St Michael’s is a beautiful Church buildings in which to celebrate a Baptism Service. In baptism, we thank God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledge his love.

In the Anglican Church (Church of England) it is common to baptise young children; this is sometimes known as Christening.

We welcome all families who live in the parish to have their children baptised, as long as at least one parent and your chosen godparents are baptised.

Baptism is a 'sacrament' (holy ritual to symbolise grace) in the Christian tradition that is traced back to Jesus himself being baptised in the river Jordan. During a service of a Child Baptism the parents and godparents thank God for his gift of the child, make a decision to start the child on the journey of faith and ask for the Church's support. 

Choosing Godparents does not have to be difficult. Choose someone that will be a good example to your child, who will encourage them in their spiritual life and help them start their journey to know God. For more advice and information  click here.  

The Anglican Church also believes in baptism at any age. It is never too late to turn to God. This is again, thanking God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledge his love and presence in your life. You can only be baptised once, but there are ways of renewing your Christian commitment publicly as an adult.

Baptisms conducted at St Michaels will be charged £15.00 per certificate or copies.

Please contact:  Karen White, Churchwarden  07776 237 903 

For more information on an Anglican Child Baptism CLICK HERE

Frequently asked Questions CLICK HERE

Information on God Parents CLICK HERE